DPR - Into the Feywild 28: Apicklypse Now

DPR - Into the Feywild 28: Apicklypse Now
DPR - Into the Feywild 28: Apicklypse Now

Episode Details

Bold words of the living stir hearts, sibilant whispers of spirits tell tales, and the guttural call of a 30ft ape is just so damn loud. Disaster has come and Stumpton is in the wrong place at the wrong time.

In a wave of vinegary juice enemies have come, and the valiant but inexperienced band will have to dig deep to avoid becoming the next preserved monster stalking

The Wild Beyond the Witchlight.


Dungeon Master - Jack Kirby Crosby

Lord Walter Winston Winklepicker III - Dan Last

Doelene de la Croix - Greg Pickering

U.N.1.T - Ben Clements

Kevin Strangeways - Lauren Bok

Music & Production - Ben Clements